Americas chocolate renaissance

The expanded availability of cocoa varieties and the economic recession of recent years are but a few factors Curtis Vreeland cites in his article ‘Micro-batching’ grows up, as the growing trend in the bean-to-bar movement. Equipment catering for the smaller bean-smiths such as JAF Inox systems provide an integrated solution for the micro-batch chocolate-makers, allowing them full process control in similar way to their industrial competitors.

Read full Article Micro-Batching Grows Up, by Curtis Vreeland. Published by Candy Industry, Aug 2015.


Up and coming chocolate-makers driven by their passion, are looking to integrate their creative visions and core values into their brands. The goal: to create innovative taste experiences as well as social values such as sustainable trade and farming, fair prices, and community development. Sharing their passion for flavour and inspiring customers to try new chocolate experiences.