what’s happening
Royal Duyvis Wiener is proud to present Duyvis Wiener Brazil
Royal Duyvis Wiener is proud to present Duyvis Wiener Brazil Duyvis Wiener is proud to present the new name of our the company JAF Inox. The portfolio of Duyvis Wiener Brazil provides a perfect complement to Royal Duyvis Wiener, as it focuses on gourmet “bean-to-bar”...
Americas Chocolate Renaissance
Americas chocolate renaissance The expanded availability of cocoa varieties and the economic recession of recent years are but a few factors Curtis Vreeland cites in his article 'Micro-batching' grows up, as the growing trend in the bean-to-bar movement. Equipment...
Flavour of indulgence
Flavour of indulgence The foodie culture has led experience-driven customers to explore the gourmet food-scape. With concepts of ethical luxury – the demand for premium chocolate is on the rise. Artisan chocolate makers offer exciting new products, with their treats...